
500 MB 5 TK offer 0.5 poisa/sec call rate GP Bondho sim offer

Best sim of BD  is GP sim have a new offer for come back old customer.
if you have gp bondho sim,you will get 500 mb at 5 tk

gp reactivation offer 2019
500 mb 5 tk

500 mb offer

>Go to message option and Wright BHK your number and send 999 (BHK 017xxxxxx send 999) free
>If you eligible, Dial *121*1404#
>You will get 500 MB Internet
>7 days validity
>To know volume and validity *121*1*2#

>0.5 poisha/sec at 18 TK

>Recharge 18 TK
>Get 0.5 poisha/sec
>Validity 30 days
>To check balance *121*1*2#

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